Keeler KAT T-Type Tonometer
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Web Price | £700.00 EX VAT |
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USED age 2-3 years old
KAT – Keeler Applanation Tonometer – ‘Take-Away-T’
Tonometry – British manufacturing, experience and quality
For over 90 years Keeler has continued to innovate, design and manufacture world class ophthalmic instruments in our Windsor factory.
The Keeler Applanation Tonometer (KAT) is a perfect example of our skills; we have applied 21st Century design techniques to a 20th Century device to deliver a premium quality instrument.
The Goldmann applanation principle is widely acclaimed as the most common and direct method of assessing IOP. The KAT is made with precision machined components that are subject to stringent quality controls pre, during and after assembly in our Windsor factory.
Accessories and other items can also be purchased by phone if you prefer. To make a telephone order, or to discuss any item purchase please call 01438 740823.