Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff Non Contact Tonometer
Product Ref: TON-PIP
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The intelligence inside
The Keeler intelligent puff system giving you a quantum leap forwards in accuracy and ease of use. IntelliPuff® embodies electronic and optical technology to deliver you the speed, accuracy and ease of use you and your patients deserve.
Our softest puff ever
Gentle is understating the new system – and if the patient has high pressures the puff will automatically increase for the next measurement. Kind, intelligent and simple. Technology working for you.
Desk top or wall mount
Save valuable space Pulsair intelliPuff® uses less than 50% of the space of conventional non contact tonometers and is the only model that can be wall mounted.
Whether you wall mount or prefer to place it on your desk you win the ‘space war’ every time. No special instrument table is required – put it where you want it. Move it when you want to.
Accessories and other items can also be purchased by phone if you prefer. To make a telephone order, or to discuss any item purchase please call 01438 740823.