Motorised wall unit column
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Save space and create a futuristic impression with this versatile motorised wall unit column.
- The height range provides adjustment low enough for wheel chair patients and high enough to carry out procedures whilst the patient stands.
- Maximum weight restriction up to 60 kilos, making it usaeable for almost any make, type or design of diagnostic/clinical equipment.
- A convenient 240 volt output socket beneath the table ensures your instrument can be powered through the column without any trailing or exposed wires.
- The up/down buttons can be located to the front or either side of the table according to your room layout.
- The table top dimensions can be specified when ordering according to your requirements.
- Attaches to any type of wall. Wall type needs to be specified when ordering to ensure the correct fixing bolts are used.
Accessories and other items can also be purchased by phone if you prefer. To make a telephone order, or to discuss any item purchase please call 01438 740823.