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Delta Q

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£3,995 EX VAT

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The Delta Q  -The intelligent choice

The Delta Q Refraction/combi unit boasts a world first featuring, “ a motorised – auto height eye levelling – twin translating table system”.

Recognising that many practitioners now utilise a slit lamp and a device with its own integral chin rest, such as an ARK or Fundus Camera, often the eyelevel heights are different. According to the eye level heights of each instrument you can calibrate the table height to automatically adjust when the table is translated from one instrument to another, thus providing added convenience, comfort for the patient and saving time.

The new overhead light solution also features a programmable rheostat, allowing the operator to set the optimum illumination range.

“Altogether a very intelligent refraction/combi unit”

Options include:

  • Tip up arm rests
  • Removable Chair
  • Chair forward & back manual
  • Chair forward & back motorised
  • AO type Classic Manual Phoroptor arm
  • New Linea Phoropter arm. Available in three versions; Manual, Motorised in-out, Motorised in-out & up-down
  • High Gloss paint finish

Accessories and other items can also be purchased by phone if you prefer. To make a telephone order, or to discuss any item purchase please call 01438 740823.