Perivision VisionOne VR Headset & AI Based Visual Fields
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VisionOne – is the 1st UKCA-approved VR eye testing platform with AI-optimized visual fields, supported by Swiss R&D and validated in clinical studies.
Benefits at a glance
Free up staff with virtual assistant in multiple languages
Free up space, test anywhere even out of the clinic
Offer a more comfortable, modern and ergonomic patient experience
Test multiple patients at the same time
Work with standard outputs for EMR
Upto 70% Faster
Test without the need for an eyepatch
SORS ( sequentially optimized reconstruction strategy). An AI Algorithm 70% faster than SITA
Magnetic binocular corrective lens holders
Voice guided patient prompts
Eye Tracking
Auto occlusion – no need for eye patch
Data output in DICOM & PDF
Unique patient response button
VF Patterns: 10-2, 24-2, 30-2, G, Esterman & Screening 28
VF Strategies: SORS, SORS screening, Normal Strategy, Dynamic Strategy & Supra-Threshold
Optional tests
Amsler Grid, Colour Vision, Contrast Sensitivity, Dark Adaptation, Eye Motility, Pupillometry, Visual Accuity, Strabismus & Stereopsis.
VisionOne VR Visual Field Tester by Perivision
Accessories and other items can also be purchased by phone if you prefer. To make a telephone order, or to discuss any item purchase please call 01438 740823.